Category Archives: Uncategorized


Cambo 3 years hand

Straight up now tell me do you really wanna read these forever…oh oh oh! Just kidding, just had to break the ice you know!! And what better way, than with a throw back Paula Abdul smash hit pop single!?

Now it certainly is not a secret that I am very lazy, so this 3 year Camboversary blog-o-Rama is number 1: A couple weeks late and number 2: probably not going to live up to my usual extravaganza style celebration of words and circle people. Can you sense the normality of life in Cambodia slipping in so subtlety that even these blog posts are slowly getting more and more lamo! Don’t worry though, I won’t stop writing them. I gain too much inner peace in the sheer knowledge that I am wasting your time, forcing you to read and read and read! Sorry, that’s terrible….but I am only being honest and I respect honesty! I say, who doesn’t respect honesty!? Ahhh….you sir, well pack your bags, you are no longer welcome here!!

Having a little chat with my buddy Pinh. She was such a sweetie, looking forward to meeting up soon :)

Having a little chat with my buddy Pinh. She was such a sweetie, looking forward to meeting up soon 🙂

So I have considered reminiscing over the past couple years and sharing deep thoughts of how much my opinion has changed and how my personality has and continues to be shaped to hopefully something better than what I started with. But, meh… Instead I am going to tell you a naked falling story! Thank goodness I am not involved in this anecdote, by the way, or it probably wouldn’t be surfacing here. Anyways, it was Marcie….she had just showered and was wrapped in her towel. Abby and Marcie’s bathroom has a small step to a tiled bedroom floor. Well apparently she had not dried off her feet what so ever and as soon as her foot hit the tile, she was swept away landing flat on her butt!! Abby was in the room sitting on the bed but fortunately had her eyes closed anyways as she was saying a prayer before bed. As Marcie fell her towel of course became more of a sail revealing her true colours! All she screamed was “DON’T LOOK!!!”, followed by an obvious “slap slap BOOM BOOM” sound. Well as I said Abby’s eyes were already closed but she was holding back laughter as she wrapped up her prayer! You can only imagine the laughs that were had and the big bruise on poor bitty baby Marcie’s bottom! Lol and that’s that story…just a plain old naked falling story, but a funny one….haha “DON’T LOOK…slap, slap BOOM BOOM!”

When I started writing this I also considered going into some realities

THE FACE!! Too much!

THE FACE!! Too much!

of the gross things we see…smell…and more so lately what we hear too! Even in the comfort of our own home! ( from outside, not the toilet ya sickos). My angle on those tidbits would have been to gain sheer sympathy….but again. Naaa….I have a different story, short and sweet. A couple weeks ago my good friend Amy and her roomie Mackenzie visited. They are living in Thailand which is where we met. Anyways, Amy came out into the living room one morning, and described to me what would be one of the grossest, completely unexpected happenings of a morning ritual. She said she was brushing her teeth when her toothbrush all of the sudden completely fell apart in her mouth! So yeah, all the individually binded bristles all came apart in a sudsy mouth bath…..barf, how gross would that feel. Anyways, I laughed so hard. I suspect it was a cheap one she picked up from a hotel. That or she could use some funding for her need greating just kidding!!

Now I could pull the old “I hate the heat” card but I will spare you. I will spare you because folks, it is time for my annual LIST OF THINGS SARAH LEARNED IN 2015 * props on the stage are shifted, quick wardrobe change and the scene is left with one single light above Sarah as she reads*

1. The more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know! I am talking LIFE, LANGUAGE, CULTURE….you name it. And this is some thing any one of us realizes when they put the effort towards something new or a change of any sort! So stay humble people, but keep learning too, because all the rest of these humble people know how dumb you are!!
2. TREAT YOURSELF!!!! But this goes to people who are pushing for the simplistic life already but not giving themselves a break here and there. All you other splurgers need to CALM DOWN!! Haha just kidding…..naaa, mostly I mean…take care of yourself and now and again….TREAT YOURSELF!! (PS. Yes I love that show)
3. Not that I questioned it years before, but seriously, I can not handle people snorting!!! People are obsessed with SNORTING here….people, this is so nasty. Dear World, please STOP snorting!!!
4. If it tastes like dog food, it probably is dog food. And when I say dog food…..I mean, dog in yo food foo!! Stop eating it, you will not feel well later! ( more of a lesson Abby learned but by example I learned this as well)
5. Stop worrying about it! Everything…..just stop worrying about it! ( this is an ongoing lesson in my life!)
6. Marcie never properly learned the head and shoulders, knees and toes song…….apparently it’s shoulders, elbows head….yeeeeeeah, no that’s very wrong Marcie!!!!
7. We can officially celebrate three years life in Cambodia having not pooped our pants!!! Obviously been some close calls but according to all our friends here, we are reigning champions!!!
8. Abby makes great crepes…..thus a crepe-ist! What!!! Come on it’s funny… Calm down, I don’t make these things up for nothing, it’s my job!
9. Deal with it! There are a lot bigger issues in this universe than the small and the what seems as large problems we deal with individually. Crippling yourself in sorrow is useless, so as I say, deal with it and move on.
10. Last but not least….learned a bit of patience! But I will be honest, there is a slight tiny baby chance I am still working on that one! *wink wink, nudge nudge…..high five, pinch pinch….* we’ll stop there how bout! Haha

Alright, well….that’s it for this round. You are prob finished your coffee now or your slice of sloppy meat loaf. Not sure what you kids eat while reading these days, so feel free to clean up the mess you made of your face while glancing through these make shift photos.

Ps. No extra tips….. My list exhausted my mind of all excess practical wisdom. But I will give a shout out to my buddies Dos and Steph for the awesome title idea!! Thanks guys!

Every sunday morning we walk through this guys kitchen to get to Abby's study. Pretty different world here....

Every sunday morning we walk through this guys kitchen to get to Abby’s study. Pretty different world here….


Beef Belt Buckets

Thailand....Soak it in

Thailand….Soak it in

It honestly feels like I JUST updated this blog, but when I checked…its been a while.  Sorry.  But good news, I have lots of photos to share.  We recently took a trip to Thailand and stayed with friends in a town called Krabi.  Everywhere you turn there is something beautiful to look at.  What a contrast to living in Phnom Penh, where every turn you take you see someone picking their nose!   Sorry guys, I know that is gross and I have held back from bringing it up for a while, but as real as it was a couple years ago when I first moved here, the reality has remained stable! Nose pickers power through let me tell ya! Anyways, back to my original train of thought….Krabi was awesome and such a great break.  It was raining lots but it actually enhanced the trip.  We rented motos

Abby's hand crafted poncho! LOL

Abby’s hand crafted poncho! LOL

there and on one occasion we were caught in a massive downpour.  We pulled over to put on our little plastic ponchos but realized we were one short for the group.  The guys working in the store we stopped in front of tried to solve the issue for us, by constructing Abby a tailored poncho made of old sign canvas. It was so hilarious.  She couldn’t bend in it, and said it was super sharp, and so unfortunately couldn’t use it.  But we all got a good laugh out of it all.

Speaking of having a good laugh, I find myself laughing AT Marcie a lot these days.  (No I am not a bully, sometimes I laugh WITH her too!) I have always known she is a conversation misinterpreter but perhaps I didn’t realize she was such a hardcore misinterpreter! In fact, “I am not even mad, I am impressed!”  For example, some friends were staying with us and after they left I just said to the girls “Kyle and Glori are my favs”….. which was immediately followed by Marcie’s questioning voice, ” Kyle and Glori are BABES?”  Lol  I mean, yeah…yes, they are but no, that’s not exactly what I said! *DISCLAIMER* I have many FAVS by the way, and yes, all you FAVS are all babes as well. Though saying I have many favs discredits the meaning so maybe what I mean is I equally enjoy the company of many friends to different

Out in the Kayak on Oa Nang beach I took this shot.  Love the contrast of colors.

Oa Nang Beach, Thailand

degrees????? YIKES….Moving on.  The other time that cracked me up, was during a conversation I said something plain like “elevator”.  Anyways, I said “elevator” and again from the outskirts of the conversation comes Marcie’s questioning voice, “Sarah what? Beef Belt Buckets??” Are you kidding me Marcie, beef belt buckets??  It didn’t even slightly resemble “elevator” or whichever word I said. And no it wasn’t a “B” word.  I give it to her for creativity though. Seriously, has the universe known that word combo ever before?? I highly doubt it.  And I also give her credit for giving me an awesome title for this post!

Anyways guys, things have been just moving along here in Cambodia.  If I wasn’t able to develop some sense of normality I would feel pretty unsettled.  Though I doubt not too many of you are often woke up by the garbage truck workers in the middle of the night singing at the top of their lungs as they collect the trash.  Cambodia…..Thank you! haha

Well please enjoy the photos of this, that and the other thing.  I will also leave you with this tip:

Smile…while you still have teeth 🙂

Sunrise in Takeo.

Sunrise in Takeo.

Gotta post the good pics big...or at least the pics I attempted to be artsy in! haha

Gotta post the good pics big…or at least the pics I attempted to be artsy in! haha

And now….your beloved mosaic of photos 🙂

I Know What You’re Thinking

Leeup....this little guy is so cute. He lives near the construction site of the new kingdom hall and is just sooooo beautiful!

Leeup….this little guy is so cute. He lives near the construction site of the new kingdom hall and is just sooooo beautiful!

It’s that time again! Blog time! *the crowd moans* “Yeeeeeehaw!” Haha. But it is true, it is time so stop complaining. It’s like brushing your teeth, you have to do it! *all current readers realize it ISN’T compulsory to read this blog whatsoever and is in fact nothing like brushing your teeth!*. So let’s DO THIS THING! * Again, all readers look at each other and question the obscure phrases and yelling that has already taken place.*

So thankfully our crazy arrival back to Cambodia did not carve a pattern for future events! In all truthfulness, everything has gone really smooth. It honestly has felt like we never left. Yet, so far both times I have returned to Canada, my Cambodian life seems like a dream as well. A hot…..and not a sexy hot but a sweaty hot….confusing stinky dream. *People ask themselves again why does this girl keep coming back here if it is like a terrible dream* So maybe you are asking yourself why I keep coming back to place that seems like a terrible dream!? And the answer to that is that it just keeps happening! And actually it isn’t like a terrible dream at all. I just crack jokes like that to try and make you laugh. *Two people fake laugh at this comment in the distance, but only because they are the giggling type people who are always smiling and basically laugh on command anyways!*

Scratching the bum of a pregnant tailess cow across the Mekong river this week. Dream come true eh Marc??

Scratching the bum of a pregnant tailess cow across the Mekong river this week. Dream come true eh Marc??

Since we have been here this round we have had quite a few torrential down pours leaving the ground rather saturated at times. One of these times we had gone across the Mekong River. Abby and I were looking for a woman I had spoken with previously down a long driveway. Well, she was no longer there, and a entire new home had replaced the shack that was once there. Before we were able to turn around an old man on a bike pedaled up from behind the house. When I asked if he knew the woman I was looking for he said to come with him. We walked away from the moto and he said we HAD to take it with us or it would get stolen. That is also the moment I could smell alcohol on his breath. 10:30am. No reason, just saying it was 10:30am. But hey it’s cocktail hour somewhere in the world right!? Wooooooooo *basically everyone shakes there head at the inappropriate humor except those two people again. But they don’t have a conscience* ANYWAYS we followed this guy…which as I write this sounds super dangerous, but you had to be there, and you would know it was fine. He called out to a woman who turned out to be his daughter. We talked for a bit with her which was nice and then figured we could go. As we said our farewells the old skinny man asked me for my sunglasses. The daughter slapped him and told me not to give them to him and gave me a look. I interpreted the look as a “ignore him he is drunk” kinda look. But now I wonder if it was a ” don’t give them to him, give them to ME” kinda look? Meanwhile Abby was getting the moto ready for us, but was stuck. She was the only one on the moto so to get it unstuck she cranked the accelerator. Well, while she was doing this she didn’t notice the old man helping push the moto, nor did she here me say “WAIT!” Remember I started this story off with explaining how saturated the ground was? Well we were in a bit of a mud pit, so when Abby hit the gas she literally plastered this old man with thick mud!! She turned to me completely oblivious as to what just happened and about to tell me to hop on. I looked at the old man and said a huge apology! Abby realized the mess and felt terrible and said sorry too. In many ways I was glad he was drunk because he barely looked at his clothes, looked at us and with a huge smile said “No problem! Thank you very much!” If I had no conscience like those two people that laugh at all my jokes I would have yelled “Bottoms up!” Or chanted “shots shots shots!” But thankfully my perceptive powers silenced me and we drove away. * Those two people still have no idea the depth of this humor, it’s meaning or intensity! They are joined by a few others and continue smiling, laughing and surprisingly….reading*

One day while Marcie was doing dishes I asked her if she wanted a tattoo

Self explanatory

Self explanatory

as I wiggled the pen in my hand. I was thrilled she said yes so I asked her what it should say? She said “awesome!” *Everybody mouths to their friends…”LAME!”* And don’t worry I thought it was lame too. So I gave her a tattoo with my pen and left her to finish up. Later she was walking in the living room by our mirror and yells at me, ” POOP!!?? You didn’t write awesome you wrote POOP!!” Lol. Not an epic story but it brings joy and happiness to my life. And yes I made it seem as though I wrote a longer word!

“Never yell at children. Lean in and whisper, it’s much scarier!”

*readers all agree this was a very abrupt ending and a weird tip! Especially considering the crazy amount of  pictures of kids in this post.*


Pretending to ride a moto together!

Pretending to ride a moto together!



And now your regular gallery I have gotten you so accustomed to!

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Lock ‘N’ Load


Every single time I say my life is getting boring, something really bizzare happens. Before we left Canada I told people that I was getting bored. Now that doesn’t mean living in Canada is boring, but my personal everyday was heading towards the mundane. I kinda figured heading back to Cambodia would feel the same ol’ too, being this is my third arrival. Well, it’s time to grab a coffee and have a good read……. Because I am about to tell you exactly why our arrival can hardly be described as “same ol”!!!

That strange day had arrived where you wake up super early and slightly disoriented, rush to get ready, eat, double check your room to make sure you didn’t forget anything and head off to the airport. I can honestly say everything went super smooth. All the flights were good, had fairly good movies, slept a little and hey, we weren’t starred at by any Chinese families while we slept at the Shanghai airport this time! PERK! I spent quite a bit of time working out exactly how we would get from the airport to our apartment. Normally it isn’t that big of a deal except it would be midnight and we would have to hire 2 separate tuk tuks because we had so much stuff. I wanted to make sure we had trustworthy drivers as all three of us wouldn’t be able to ride together. Now remember, all I was doing was thinking about all this because naturally I am a worrier…..not a warrior. When we actually were arranging our rides home, I could sense we were being very well taken care of. The older gentleman was very nice in arranging our Tuk tuk rides, didn’t rip is off and was genuinely helpful.

We were off….everything was going well. The drivers stayed very close to one another and they took well lit roads and we were almost home when all of the sudden one of the Tuk tuks died!
The driver chuckled as he took all the luggage from the broke down Tuk Tuk and piled it beyond belief in the second one, leaving Abby literally with one butt cheek hanging out the side for the ride home. As we knew we had to pay this guy something, even though he didn’t get us all the way I offered a large portion of the original price. Well he made us pay the whole shot. I could have argued more than I did, but I was tired and done. So, on the road again we headed and quickly realized our driver had no idea where he was going. Thankfully we have this city well mapped out in our minds and we FINALLY made it home! *sigh of relief* We were safe, it wasn’t raining and our security guard was there to help us out.

All of our luggage was moved to the bottom gate that opens to our stairwell for the apartment when we noticed the security guard making several phone calls. Long story short the landlord had put a padlock on the gate and he didn’t have the key!! I told him we would need the key…now! He is a really nice guy and he was honestly trying. At one point, he put me on the phone with an annoying man who explained that one of the keys was with the landlord who had just flown to Thailand that night!!! I told this to the girls as all three of our heads were about to burst! It was already well past midnight, my brain was hurting trying to remember a language I hadn’t spoken in months and I was trying to embrace the reality of our situation. Our security guard offered for us to stay at the guest house across the street until the other key came at 8am. It is a $10 a night DIVE and we have friends who had stayed there once who will NEVER stay again. So…no thanks. I asked him if he wouldn’t mind if we slept in his dad’s Tuk Tuk parked in front of the store….and that is what we did! To some of you this sounds C R A Z Y and why wouldn’t we get a hotel or go somewhere. Well we had around 400 lbs of luggage, all the drivers were sleeping and by this time in all honesty I knew I wasn’t going to actually sleep and I had just HAD IT! So again, the Tuk Tuk it was.

Meet and Greet

It was between 1am and 1:30am that we actually found ourselves sitting in the Tuk Tuk. Marcie fell asleep pronto and Abby was out for a while too. I stayed wide awake and watched the street. Couple random cops came and stayed on the corner for 1.5hr which was nuts but good, mind you they were really loud and possibly drunk. I saw a big fat rat in the wood pile who was also really loud and possibly drunk. I played candy crush soda and passed a level that I had been stuck on for ages sooooo, that was nice. I also pondered how often I have looked down from our apartment at night and thought how spooky it looked! And yet, there we were with all our possessions and money, hanging out in an old tuk tuk in the middle of the night. Surprisingly I wasn’t that scared!


Aaaaaaaaaand she’s out!

Anyways, hours later I could hear our security guards phone go off. He answered it and told us we get the key sooner!! Soon a young man arrived and we had the key! We opened the gate and flicked the light on for the stairwell as it was still pitch black outside. Well at least we tried, but there was no power! And not only was there no power but the entire stairwell was filled with plaster and tile chunks, thick thick dust, boxes and tools. They had decided to renovate with new tiling and windows throughout the whole stairwell. It’s ok though, we were so close to actually being IN our place that we basically ignored the frustration of trying to carry heavy awkward luggage up a completely blacked out stairwell. Actually, now that I am thinking about it I am shocked we didn’t break our ankles. Every step was uneven and dangerous as we dodged tools, scaffolding and broken tiles. Hey….at least it wasn’t through a flooded street, right!!?? ( *Wink* For those of you who remember THAT story! Haha).

The stairwell...after I made a little pathway.

The stairwell…after I made a little pathway.

So finally, we were in! I was so excited to shower and just go straight to bed! My excitement was yet again taken back a notch to more of a, Are-You-Kidding-Me sorta mood. Yeah, so I guess I just assumed the lights not working in the hallway had no connection with our apartment, but they WERE connected! Yaaaaaaay! WE didn’t have power either. No lights, no fans and obviously no air conditioning! As we stood in the very hot living room in disbelief Abby noticed a very spicy aroma! NO it wasn’t me, it was coming from one of the large Rubbermaid containers we brought! One of our giant bottles of Frank’s Red Hot sauce had broke and was sloshing around. (YES, we bring back essentials!) We were too wired to wait till the morning to see what was soaked so we did it then. I could never have guessed how much eye stinging and coughing would occur in the following moments as we tried to rinse off hot sauce to the dim light of an old iPhone flashlight app! ( the next morning proved how dim the light was….. Looks like I tried rinsing things with wind. Basically just splattered red sauce everywhere. Lol)

Basically after the blinding hot sauce experience, Cambodia decided to stop embracing us with its warm welcome. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30am. I laid on my bed and proceeded to get a whopping 2 hours of sleep!

In the end of it all I remember telling the girls how you worry and pray so much that we would make it to our apartment safe and sound, I didn’t realize I should have been more specific in that we make it INTO our apartment safe and sound. Mind you in reality we did make it safely INTO our apartment….it just took a long time.

Well folks, that’s the story. I hope you used your imagination to create more images as I don’t have many photos to post! Please feel free to comment. I always enjoy hearing feedback! It means readers exist! Haha. By the way, WordPress doesn’t spam, and you don’t have to use your full name when prompted! If that is at all helpful to you 🙂

And of course, the tip of the day:
“Only trust people who like big butts, because they cannot lie!”

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Round 3

The three emotional stages before leaving. Strange excitement, fear and confusion and finally acceptance.

The three emotional stages before leaving. Strange excitement, fear and confusion and finally acceptance.

The time has come to pack away my sweaters and scarves of Canada and prepare myself for the grubby attire of Cambodia. That’s right, amping up for round three.  By this time next week, two of my three sisters and I will be sweatin’ to the oldies aka: perspiring drops of beauty in a land flowing with milk and honey. Uhhh…at least that’s what I am going to put out into the universe. The truth is, I have a bad feeling the heat is going to shock my system so much that I look like I JUST hopped outta the shower at any given moment for the first couple weeks until I readjust. By the way, I was thinking the other day how much I annoy myself by referring to my body as a system. For future reference I think I will call it….” My Temple!” Has a good Asian vibe too.

Speaking of….”my temple”….*pauses, winks and nudges listeners* lets talk feeeeeeelings. (HEY, sit back down and finish reading this!). More specifically, let’s talk pre-Cambodia feelings. Am I a nervous wreck? No, not really. I know what to expect I guess so I am calm and collected within my temple! I am obviously not thrilled about the sweat fest I am re-entering, but I am looking

Just pretty.....that's all

Just pretty…..that’s all

forward to my normal routine. Our time back home is really busy and I hardly feel that I get the quality time I am always hoping for with friends and family. As I am sure you would all agree though, these days, who actually has time? Life is WAY too busy! And good grief does it throw you some curve balls! I think it’s all to be expected though, in a significant way!

Anyways, so I am not nervous but I always get a little pit of my stomach feeling of knowing how much I will miss family, friends, pets, places and certain foods. So for those of you who think I enjoy coming and going out of your lives as I please…..its truthfully really difficult! Not to mention how much I detest the actual traveling from place to place! Ugh….as I write this I envision packing….blaaaaa I hate packing.

You know I used to get so excited for flights! Especially the cool feeling stepping off the plane into the new terminal and people are all starring at you. There is a slight feeling of “celebrity status” as you walk confidently past the ones seated. BUT, then you realize EVERYONE in that room is about to get on a plane or has just gotten off a plane too. So yeah, not so special. You also start to realize instead of wasting your energy on having an inner smirk, you SHOULD have checked your hair as clearly you were sleeping, hard! And let’s be honest, your teeth are feeling rather fuzzy and you prob stink….at least a little! Come on, you know it’s true! Or what about how the first time you fly and how interesting the plane is! The compartments, the adjustable head rests, mini tvs and little forks and peanuts! Now though, everything is so annoying! My legs ache, I get bloated and anxious. The forks are so little!! Mostly I think I grew up and ” my temple” got too big!! And well, no offence but travelling to Asia the flight “snacks” are…. GROSS interesting.

This is Kona and the guilt trip look he was giving us on packing day! He knew!!

This is Kona and the guilt trip look he was giving us on packing day! He knew!!

By the way, have you ever noticed when you are part of a crowd, or for the sake of the illustration, on a plane, that there always has to be a designated “whistler!” Seriously, there is always someone, usually an older gentleman that feels it’s their duty to whistle a little number for everyone. I actually met someone one day that said how much they loved a good whistle! Whaaaaaa!? No, there is no way! A good whistle, are you kidding me? Let’s all hold hands and declare together once and for all, a message for those “whistlers”…..please keep your whistles in their designated area. For example the shower, a lonely stroll through an empty park or your personal vehicle. Ok….deep breath….done now! Lol

Well, I have been typing for a while now and it’s not that I have run out of things to say, I just don’t want to ramble….more! I still have to upload photos, try to write clever notes along with the photos etc etc. You know, the regular gong show on SezKAPOW! So I will leave you with what I think of as a new feature on this blog! (Lets see if I even remember to do it every time.)
A life tip!
“Just because you are leaving the country doesn’t mean you have to eat E V E R Y T H I N G! People still eat outside of Canada, as opposed to popular belief! “

*NOTICE* I actually wrote this post a week ago and ran out of time. We are in Cambodia! I am extremely excited to write the next post because I have a crazy story to share, so stay tuned! I won’t make you wait too long either 😉

ONE LAST THING….As I had told you before, I bought a new camera. I named it Lula and I hope you enjoy my photo enhanced adventures with her!  haha


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Mystery Break

This is how I feel most days!

This is how I feel most days! ( Our dog Koba. Non stop entertainment from him!)

Wooooooooooo- Eeeeeeeeee!! So THAT was a big break from blogging wouldn’t you agree!? I was actually helping you strengthen your sense of patience! So…..your welcome! I also try to build anticipation within my readers. Bit of mystery never hurt anyone. Well that’s not entirely true if your solving crime, but let’s not get too technical here.

Anyways, the real reason for the silence on Sez KAPOW is that my sisters and I have made our way back to Canada for work and a

Our second campsite after having nosy neighbors!

Our second campsite after having nosy neighbors!

visit with family and friends. We will be back in Cambodia next month! Yup, round three is just around the corner. The past couple months have had their moments of course. Even our trip back was pretty interesting. Our first lay over was spent in Shenghai, China. We arrived very early in the morning and were exhausted. The airport was pretty empty, especially at the one end. There were hundreds of empty seats, so the three of us set up camp to try and sleep. Was really nice until I was woken up by an older Chinese woman and her son who had come and sat directly across from me…… starring! Literally, she sat in the seat immediately next to Abby’s feet. My first thought was, “oh wow, this airport must have got busy!” I then peered around at the hundreds of empty seats surrounding us and my very next thought was, “What on earth are they thinking!?” Followed by, ” I better write this down for my next post!”

Knife Throwing.....TOTALLY got bulls eye and NO I didn't cheat. I am just THAT GOOD! haha    (The second of the only two times my knives actually stuck! I wasn't good at all! haha)

Knife Throwing…..TOTALLY got bulls eye and NO I didn’t cheat. I am just THAT GOOD! haha (The second of the only two times my knives actually stuck! I wasn’t good at all!)

It has been very refreshing to be home for the summer. Lots of good visits with friends and family. Learning a few things too. I spent one evening throwing knives at a wooden bulls eye which was fun. What started as a quiet BBQ with friends turned into a Wild West evening of bow ‘n’ arrow shooting, fire starting and knife throwing! Felt like I was in the back of an old bar in central Mexico or somewhere pinning people’s sleeves to walls with knives and demanding answers! Well……it kinda felt like that. Haha.

At this point you might be worried about my safety! You will be happy to know I am implementing safety in many aspects of my life. For example, I learned I have to be a bit more safe when singing! Couple weeks ago while I was doing a little of this and a little of that and I was also singing a little tune in a slightly high pitched voice to myself. I ended up literally straining my left vocal chord so bad I couldn’t drink or talk for 2 hours! You can only imagine the pain I was in but how much I wanted to laugh!! My family has not let me forget how dumb that was! And I don’t blame them! It was so dumb! But let this be a lesson to us all. Extreme singing CAN be a dangerous sport, so be careful. For the less experienced extreme singers, please start off slow with maybe a light hum! And always remember, it’s all fun and games until someone pulls their vocal chord!

Third thing I have learned these days is how gross I am. Recently I opened up a bag of “loads of Ketchup” chips from Super Store. Oh my goodness, that bag hardly had a chance! It wasn’t till I was half way through inhaling the bag that I realized it tasted weird and gross. They had been expired for 7 months! I think I bought them last summer, hid them, found them and SHOULD have thrown them out, but didn’t! …..hello, my name is Sarah, I consume expired food and I am really gross!! Lol.

Well, I think it’s safe to say there isn’t much mystery left about my internet silence.

PICTURE TIME.  Well I honestly don’t have many photos to post this round.  Sorry.  Reason being, I spent a lot of time choosing a new camera and didn’t want to invest to much time in junk photos. haha Now though, I have a fancy pants new camera to astonish you with my mega picture taking skillz…..Jokes. Not likely!  At least starting next post, photos shouldn’t be so grainy! PERK!!

Thanks for reading everyone!!

Five Good Ones

Marcie about to take off on her moto into a crowded street!

Marcie at the evening market…driving through….slowly!

I am going to level with you. I have five share-worthy stories that have very little in common with each other. So instead of creating links, or using clever smooth transitions, I am going to just spit them out one at a time! Boom boom boom! No time is better than the present so here goes, grab your coffee and enjoy 🙂

My first story is from actually from today when in a zombie-like manner I was stuffing my face with delicious popcorn and watching ” the Nanny” ( Wow, I sure don’t leave anything to the imagination do I! Is Sarah cool? Apparently not!!) Now, like any average human being, when I dropped a kernel next to me I reached to grab ‘er and pop it back in my mouth. As I did this, without looking, I realized two long DISGUSTING hairs from along the couch came attached and went directly into my mouth! BARF! So gross. So you are probably thinking we live like gross people and don’t clean…that’s the thing, we do clean! But let me tell you, those hairs were not mine and this really scares me.

Stuffing the ol' face again!

Stuffing the ol’ face again!

Next story happened yesterday while Abby was driving her moto with one of our friends on the back. She had to make a left hand turn and cross traffic. (For those Aussie readers, that means we drive in the correct side of the road here) There was an older gentleman coming from the other direction with his wife on the back of his moto. He was driving quite slowly and Abby wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, so she stopped to let him turn or just pass by before she crossed his path. As she patiently waited, she said he was not hiding the fact that he was staring at her. ( As I have mentioned before, this happens ALL the time!) Well, he could not break his stare even as he passed her, he kept his eyes glued on her to the point that his head was turned around. He must have been thrilled to see such a pretty lady and even more thrilled when he rammed into the guy ahead of him causing a little accident! Lol! And the even funnier part was what he told the guy that he hit. The girls heard him say to the guy “Sorry, I was looking at her! I thought SHE was going to hit me!”

Story number 3 happened recently when one of my friends was moving

This is the best part of the hot season!!!! MANGOS!!!

This is the best part of the hot season!!!! MANGOS!!!

home from Cambodia, so a group of us met at the airport to see her off. While we were standing in a circle chatting, as humans tend to do.  While we were talking a man approached the circle. He made a very confident entrance to the group so we all assumed he was a friend of someones, so we opened the circle and let him in. I stood there waiting for conversation between the two “friends” to commence. Well, it never started. Someone finally said hello, but this guy never responded. He just stood there, smiling….rather oddly I should add and then turned around and left. We all asked each other who that was….no one knew. Awkward!!!

This next one cracks me up! Another friend of mine met a young Khmer guy a couple weeks ago. He asked how old she was, so she told him. He then instantly broke out in a show tunes type singing voice and repeated her age “saaaaaaaaaam moooooooo-eeeeeeeeee!” ( Sam moohie is her age in Khmer.) Talk about breaking the ice! Needless to say it was hilarious and now an official and regular catch phrase!

Okay guys, let’s end this post with a really good one. So two days ago our friend Jordan was out selling his wife’s old moto. He was negotiating the price he would sell it for when something rather odd happened. So the shop guy was trying to get him to accept less money, and his way of doing this was by saying “I’m so pooooor!” While he said this to Jordan he reached out and started to fondeling Jordan’s… hm, chest!! Was this his way of trying to sweeten the deal?? Anyways, Jordan immediately slapped his hands away, though he wanted to slap the guy in the face. And shall I mention this was a brave move on this guys part, let alone for anyone as Jordan is a power lifter. THEN, the guy gets all pouty and says ” Why are you being so mean to me!?” HA! What a terrible negotiating protocol! Apparently the rest of the transaction was half normal and fairly quick. Though they charged Jordan $2.50 for the receipt and tried to take his helmet too. Lol my guess is these guys aren’t taking any entrepreneur seminars for sales tips and keeping customers, or is that a shot in the dark!?



Well that about wraps it up for this post! Thanks for reading everyone!  Hope you enjoy the photos and the rest of your coffee!! Saaaam Mooooo-eeeeeeee! * takes a bow and curtain closes*

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And This Makes Fifty

Seriously, this made the entire trip.  I could pet elephants all day.  I have become so obsessed with them that I YouTube baby elephant videos regularly. Too darn cute!

Seriously, this made the entire trip. I could pet elephants all day!

Hello Readers! So believe it or not, but this is my blog’s 50th post. In some ways 50 isn’t that big of a number, especially if it’s your age!  *inner monologue “clever girl! Winning the hearts of ALL ages now baby!!” But let’s be honest, in terms of how many times I have hooped ya into listening to me….pretty certain 50 means “win” on my part!  I am a little bit surprised actually that I have maintained a regular supply of posts.  And yes, they may only come around once a month or so, but amazingly enough….they come!  I apologize that maybe my stories aren’t equally exciting every post, but I do try to keep the pictures interesting.  In all honesty the whole reason I started this blog was mostly to make an easy way for my family and friends to see my photos and to catch a glimpse of our journey here in Cambodia. By word of mouth, links and requests it has spread to many people around the world.  Actually, to be exact, this blog is followed and or has been read in 76 different countries.  Pretty crazy to me.  I often receive comments from ones who read this blog who share with me how much they enjoy the stories, photos and drawings.  I always try to reply to comments, but to all of you again, thank you very much and I am glad you enjoy my shinanangans!  I also get lots of feedback that people want to comment more but don’t like their info on display, so here’s a little hint.  If you have not commented before, I have to “ok” the comment before it becomes public. Simply mention you don’t want the comment public and I will keep it to myself 🙂

Anyways, blah blah blah. Get all those formalities over with.

This is what you get for picking your nose all the time Cambodia!!!

This is what you get for picking your nose all the time Cambodia!!!

Let’s get into what I really have to say.  Fair warning though, I have waited a bit too long and have gotten a bit too far into the hot season to hold back my hatred towards the heat!!  I am not kidding.  When the hot season starts, you realize the change but try your best to be strong, adapt and go about your business as it seems everyone else is.  But at some point a person suddenly realizes they never actually dried off from any of the 3-5 showers they had taken that day.  They realize that only one thing can cure the inner rage against the equator’s intense boiling effect is air conditioning…a/c….air con. What ever you wanna call it.  The sad thing is the only place to get the strongest and best a/c is not from your house, but from the office supply store downtown that you have to make up fake reasons to visit to cool down.  We are talking, wandering through the loose leaf paper isles and pondering for ages over reinforcements and paper clips and leaving with a 30 cent highlighter.  I mean, who doesn’t love looking at stationary anyways, but let me tell you…..THE BEST A/C folks!!   Another cure would be a “delicious bass!” Mind you when I say delicious bass I actually mean a coconut shake! YUMMO!!! So good, love coconut shakes!  Anyways, for the record, I still believe living here is like living in a blow dryer! Just saying……terribly designed blow dryer equipped with only super hot heat setting!


Ancient Cambodian ruins, us, camera.....equals fun!!!  SO COME VISIT!!!  We will ruin something for you :)

Ancient Cambodian ruins, us, camera…..equals fun!!! SO COME VISIT!!! We will ruin something for you 🙂

Last month the girls and I made it up to Siem Reap.  Had awesome visits with great friends and of course, finally got to see Angkor Wat.  Angkor Wat is a massive temple built back in the 12th century. (Brain Tip: Wat means temple.) So yeah…OLD!  It’s massive and truley just super interesting to see first hand.  Scattered around the Angkor Wat temple itself are many smaller but equally interesting temples too.  The movie Tomb Raider was filmed at Ta Prohm.  And another temple we saw was Bayon which had crazy faces carved all over it. Anyways, take a peek at the photos.  The detail and architecture are wild, especially for buildings that are truly ancient.  For those of you fishing for more detail, I will let you google the stats. And also though it took us forever to finally visit Siem reap, I feel knowing some of the culture and language made the historical impact of Angkor Wat that much more intriguing. That is something for me because I struggle to enjoy history!

Anyways, beyond the blazing temperatures we have been enduring, life has been pretty average these days.  Mind you, when I say average I mean in terms of Cambodia. So daily we still battle bizzarre traffic jams, constantly dodging all types of doo doo on the street and muddle our way through conversations in a foreign language.  Although I have noticed a rise of moto accidents at our corner these days.  They always happen at night when I am sleeping and they always send an absolute shot of adrenaline through my system.  I will save you from the graphic details of some of what goes on, but the other night was the craziest accident.  Seriously, the LOUDEST crash I have heard yet. So of course I fly outta bed in a daze, and wait 2 seconds to remember where I am.  This time when I looked out the window I saw two guys running down the street. One still had his helmet on but the guy trailing behind didn’t. They didn’t get too far before they stopped and started walking back toward the accident. Turns out the guy in the helmet was one of the two drunk idiots who smashed a garbage truck.

Take that HISTORY!!!! IN YO FACE!

Take that HISTORY!!!! IN YO FACE!

Thus the loud crash.  They damaged the truck and didn’t want to pay damages, so took off running.  The garbage truck workers are required to compensate for damage to the truck, which explains why they chased down the moto drivers.  (that’s third world regulations for ya!). I don’t think anyone was hurt too bad…..this time.  Sooo crazy though.  As I mentioned before, these accidents are usually at night and thus why we normally don’t go out after dark.  Abby and Marcie never ever hear the crashes from their room, which blows my mind.  Nope, just me.  At least I am not boring the girls in the morning relating my retarded dreams anymore!

Well I hope you have enjoyed the majestic rambles of this blog’s 50th post!!  Please enjoy the photos and be sure to read all the descriptions. Not because they have intellectual benefits, but because they take forever to write and should be read! Please comment if you want to, I love the feedback 🙂

PS. This just in….So all my efforts to deliver this post to you was delayed by the one and only techno queen Abby. *insert sarcasm* So I had asked my trusty proof reader Abby to check my post before it blew up the internet.  So I knew something was wrong when she starts asking me a question that had words like “Um, What, Why” and “DELETE” in it.  Turns out she deleted my photo gallery.  I fixed it….but this is to you Abby. Endless thank yous for always proof reading my blog, but please don’t ever do that again! luv ya sis



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Smooth Transitions

Helmet Selfie....The best kind of selfie if you live in Cambo. Why....helmet hair is never pretty!

Helmet Selfie….The best kind of selfie if you live in Cambo. Why….helmet hair!

Oh, so the other day, had a good old belly laugh, when one of my buddies dropped her sunnies in a pile of poop on the street!  I DID feel bad, and maybe she wasn’t necessarily laughing as whole heartedly as I was, but that really doesn’t matter. It was just too funny and I just had to share that with you.  But anyways, speaking of sunnies and sun protection in general….my view on such things has definitely changed since moving to Cambodia.  Before coming here tanning was a summer hobby. Now, tanning is the terrible truth of everyday life.  I say this because never are you hidden from nerdy farmers tans, sandal tans that ruin the look of any other nice shoe that has different shape to it, the famous raccoon eyes tan from your sunnies or the dreaded tan moustache! So terrible!  And besides the sheer vanity of it all, being in the direct sun is just WAY more hot.  So I sadly have adopted SOME of the bizzare habits almost anyone from Asia has grown up with.  For example, I often wear a long sleeved shirt on the most piping hot days if I plan on walking around outside.  I am rarely without my umbrella!  When we are driving around and have to stop at a light, we always look for the trees and squish into the shade along with all the others hiding!  Cloudy days have become my happy days!  Now, I hope you noticed I said I that I have adopted SOME of the habits.  I am not an extremist. So you won’t see me wearing flesh toned toe socks with  my flip flops (or thongs for you Aussies).  I won’t hide under a scarf flapping in the wind on a moto.  I also don’t think I could possibly handle wearing gloves unless we were driving for a long time.  Actually, since you brought that up, we did go on a road trip recently!

Abby, Marcie and myself drove to Takeo on our motos a couple weeks ago.  Everyone warned us about how scary it was and that

This is us...all packed up and about to hit the road.

This is us…all packed up and about to hit the road.

we shouldn’t do it…..BABIES!!! It wasn’t bad at all. Seriously, we were only run off the road twice and it wasn’t that bad! We even saw an elephant on the way there!  I mean we all lost the feeling in our butts for about an hour or two but if that’s the price a girl has to pay to be wicked cool…..SO BE IT! LOL  Actually at one point if we didn’t stop I was going to either cry, jump off or pee my pants! We stopped…..once! *starts handing out random high fives*

On the topic of  high fives, who would high five me in agreement that the word SLACKS is just too dumb.  RIGHT!!?? Come on people, growing up how many times did your mum comment on your jeans and call them SLACKS!  Yeah, you know its true!  Super geeky word! SLAP SLAP SLAP! *loving all these high fives*

Driver...The Marcie....Destination....already there. Takeo! PS. behind those sunnies she had tears, sore bum tears! lol

Driver…The Marcie….Destination….already there. Takeo! PS. behind those sunnies she had tears, sore bum tears! lol

Funny story, I slapped Marcie while we were in Takeo. SHE has not learned the importance of sun protection. She drove the entire way with no sunscreen.  The gift at the end of that move was amazingly misplaced, extremely strong tan lines on her knees, chest, arms and feet! haha  She is always getting terrible sun burns despite my encouragement to care for her skin.  Oh well, not my problem. So says the older annoyed sister! Jokes.

Speaking of annoying things, can you believe I gulped down two coconut shakes right before we headed home from Takeo on the motos. The DUMBEST thing I have done lately!  They were so delish though!  Oh wait, no the dumbest thing I did was only yesterday when I piped up and started complaining about some spider veins on my ankle.  As I was complaining to Abby I was rubbing my ankles and the veins slowly disappeared.  So mid sentence I had to correct myself as the veins were actually just dirty ankles!

Segway, enjoy all the photos. They are a mash up of Takeo, random Phnom Penh stuff and also shots of when we had friends

What can I of the most surprising visitors. My long time buddy Tui from way back when I used to live in Australia. Was so nice to catch up :) Thanks for coming TUI. And bringing your weird friends! LOL

What can I say….one of the most surprising visitors. My long time buddy Tui from way back when I used to live in Australia. Was so nice to catch up 🙂 Thanks for coming TUI. And bringing your weird friends! LOL

visit from Australia.  My good ol’ buddy Tui, from years ago when I lived on the gold coast came with his friends Thomas and Ellen. ( bro and sis)  Had a blast!!  Its amazes me how many people I have met up with from years ago in of all places…Cambodia!

This might seem random but, I should probably just mention to please feel free to use any of my “smooth transitions” for your local conversations.  They are easy and fun ways to change topics! See, reading this blog provides you with entertainment and great life hacks!……..BA HA HA

The lotus flower!

The lotus flower!

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The Big 2

Across the river, it is a whole different world. Love this sorta stuff. And love being away from all the cement of P.P.

Across the river, it is a whole different world. Love this sorta stuff. And love being away from all the cement of P.P.

Believe it or not but recently Abby and I had our 2 year Cambodian anniversary. KAPOW! My first thoughts straight away are that I hate saying anniversary anything unless it has to do with a wedding. Mind you that might not be entirely true and I could just be at complete and utter wits end with my sister and don’t want to be linked together with her by using such an intimate word like anniversary!! And yet, that also might be untrue, and I may or may not have said it solely for an “emotional roller coaster/ juicy shock factor” intro for this post. That’s what it was meant to be anyways. *sigh* Seriously, I have been trying to think how to start this blog out for a while. My poor sisters have heard an earful of me trying to figure out my….and I quote myself,  ” Two Year Blog

This poor little kitty was just waking up.  Always makes me wanna take care of all the animals here.

This poor little kitty was just waking up.

Extraordinaire!!” Already falling short as I had to start the post off with a boring lie. LOL! I guess I thought I might have felt different when the actual time rolled around. You know, more filled with excitement, experience and inspiration. Honestly, I just feel bloated! Moving on…

Well alright….2 YEAR BLOG EXTRAORDINAIRE let’s do this thing! Ok, so two years. Whoa! It is actually so crazy. For a place as unique as Cambodia is, everything seems so natural and normal to me…. But yet I still always have my camera! There will always be something nutso to photograph. The things that surprise me the most lately are probably more the things people do and say. For example I was visiting a lady a while ago when suddenly she told me to wait a moment as she slipped into her home. I waited and waited until finally I see her poke her face partially out from behind the wall, as though I might not see her. I think she was trying to hide the fact that she was using that time to slowly and awkwardly chew a banana!? When I called out to her and said good bye she thanked me soooooo much for coming! Lol not exactly sincere! Haha! Just yesterday though, I had a lady run out of her home as she saw me approach with arms wide open and said…”welcome home!!” I was surprised because she hadn’t spoken english to me before. Turns out that’s all she knew! It was too cute!

Didn't get the front seat, but we didn't let that ruin our fun!!

Maybe Marcie is the not so bright old lady in Speed?? Jokes 😉 I know its me.

One big thing that is different this year, is that we are doing a bit more traveling. So that means bus rides! I don’t know about everyone else, but for a large portion of my life now, every time I sit on a bus of any kind I usually start working out the different characters of the movie SPEED. Like who is the Keanu Reeves going to be and can he please sit next to me? Jokes! Mind you he doesn’t start off on the bus does he? Anyways, I mean obviously I play Sandra Bullock’s part and just totally make amazing decisions that save the entire bus! I try to avoid working out who has the gun but always wonder if the bus driver and I would develop a first names kinda friendship. In reality, I am more likely the dumb lady that tried to get off the bus because the swat team tempted her….yikes! Anyways, riding a bus in Cambodia is not much different from that movie. Minus old men yelling they are sick from the back seat and running out to the road side. That’s a cambo perk!

Last year I wrote a list for my Blogoversary and this year will be no different. So here it is the
“List of Things Sarah Learned in 2014!”
1. Cambodia still has the loudest nutso scream sneezers!! Said it a year ago and I am restating it as proven fact!  Scream sneezers are those who feel compelled to YELL their sneezes instead of just sneezing.  It cracks me up though, every time I hear one I point and tell everyone around me..”SEEEEEE….EVERYWHERE YOU GO, SCREAM SNEEZERS!!”

Scream Sneezers. I have come to accept them, but they still scare me everytime!!

2. I am a world class procrastinator which means I am qualified to say …stop waiting!! Right times are created and worked towards. The only right times that appear out of thin air are the occasional photo ops! Even then you have to get the right angle!

Clearly I am ALSO a time waster....playing too much Candy Crush!

Clearly I am ALSO a time waster….playing too much Candy Crush!

3. If something is important to you, you will find a way. If it isn’t, you will find an excuse!

4. Eat good! Makes you feel…..good! And that’s….good! Oh and don’t eat Indian food and then have a dance off with your friends because you will go home and puke! Again, proven and tested fact!

5. I really don’t admire fans. Not all the people that cheer me on…(lol) no no, I mean the fans that you plug in. I hate how they blow in my face and makes strands of my hair dance around and tickle my face! Especially when I am eating. Argh, drives me bonkers! But I also hate sitting in sweat… fine, I will deal with the fan, but just know I don’t like it!

6. It’s embarrassing to admit, but deep down inside I think vegetable costumes are hilarious. I once saw a commercial that had a normal old asparagus guy checking his mail when an unmarked vehicle came and kidnapped him. Soooo dumb and hardly makes sense, but so funny.

See what I mean!? Veggie costumes are ridiculous and funny!

See what I mean!? Veggie costumes are ridiculous and funny!

7. No one is perfect. So there is no reason to be super sensitive because you aren’t perfect either.

8. Periwinkle is a horrible color. The way it looks and sounds, don’t like it.

9. I like taking care of things. Not important things like babies, but cute little things like our little beta fish named P.P. ( Our family has always named our pets after places, so this little fish was no exception. P.P is short for Phnom Penh) I am also great at ” Taking care of Business….Everyday!!” Haha random musical interlude!

10. The biggest thing I learned was to stop being anxious! We have been told this for centuries, but thankfully this year I think it has reached my heart!! I do my best today and go to bed knowing I will do my best tomorrow!

Evolution of Circle People

Evolution of the Circle people. Believe it or not the beloved Circle People were years of evolution….sorta! LOL For a long time i used to draw Bean People that jiggled all the time. Basically I got really lazy and thought circles would be the easiest way to reenact scenes that happened to me. I LOVE expression and figured why not focus on the face and throw TONS of feeling into the character.   At first they didn’t have too much detail, and even today…not too much detail. I love simplicity. (that is what lazy artists tell you! LOL)

Well….looks like I should probably wrap things up. * Sits back and waits for an inspirational light beam to appear above me* Hmm, well the light beam never appeared. Sorry guys, I will just have to wing it.  THANK you so much for following Abby, Marcie and I on this journey.  I hope that I have encouraged, not scared you to reach out for similar experiences!  Moving to a place that genuinely needs help, for as long as I am able to help anyways, has been life changing!  And yeah, everyday isn’t marshmellows and panda bears, some days are more like old beans and rabid monkeys.  Is that a metaphor? Anyways, as I mentioned before……one day at a time. And as my Dad always says, ” One day closer to Paradise!”


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Putting Out The Vibe

My favorite converstations!

My favorite converstations!

Since I have returned to Cambodia, there seems to be a different vibe in the air.  Let me clarify.  Now when I say VIBE, I am unfortunately not referring to the smell in the air.  The amazing aroma pockets surrounding open sewer streets or busy fish market areas has remained the same, still reeks!  When I say VIBE, I am also NOT referring to the melodious tunes tenderly engaging my ears. No indeed!  Phnom Penh continues to flourish in its lavish early morning ground shaking weddings and funeral ceremonies.  It also continues to have tents set up in front of stores with bizzare pulsing house music that is meant to draw the customers.  No, when I say VIBE it means none of those things.  Vibes are difficult to describe, but I have a feeling the VIBE change I am currently feeling is mostly due to the presence of my younger sister Marcie.  And true, I know what you are thinking.  If Marcie is the VIBE, then surely there are some major aroma changes, and yeah, true true.  Mostly though, I think the attention is off me and now I can sit back and laugh at her experiencing and learning about this country.  Kinda nice actually.

Here is an example to show you what I mean. Now as scary as this sounds I am about to describe Marcie’s first moto accident.  If you live here, accidents are a fact of life. Thankfully they are usually VERY VERY small.  Because there are so many

Out in service with "the Marcie."

Out in service with “the Marcie.”

people driving, you are never going that fast.  We also don’t really go out at night where the bad accidents happen.  Ok, now that I have hopefully calmed the hearts of those of you who worry….on with the show! SO, Marcie was driving our moto through a very busy, slow moving intersection.  She had our friend on the back who will remain nameless. Actually, let’s call our friend Princess Sparkles. Far easier to tell a story with names than saying, ” nameless friend.” So, Princess Sparkles and Marcie were carefully making their way across the 5-way intersection. As they were making a nice safe left turn, some chick figured she should pass them on the left and rammed into them. This caused the moto to tip over onto it’s side. From the ground Marcie looked up to see the chick, or for the sake of story telling, Trudy, look back at the girls, while still comfortably sitting on her own moto. Trudy must have gathered the girls were ok, which they were, and took off. Meanwhile, Princess Sparkly Pants jumped up asking Marcie over and over again, “Are you okay, are you okay??” She then went into forklift-mode and shoved her arms under Marcie’s arm pits, thinking she could lift Marcie completely up to her feet with the moto still on her. Due to the excitement of it all, Marcie went into yelling-mode telling Princess Sparkleton she is NOT helping the situation at all! Irritated and quite embarrassed Marcie stood up. While she was in the process of standing up, she had stepped on the bottom of her skirt which in turn caused a full on mooning towards all those who had focused their attention on the two foreigners on the ground. I realize I have taken liberties here in calling it a full on mooning, because she was wearing underwear. BUTT, I mean but, to any onlooker that is how it would have appeared as Marcie was sporting her fleshy toned granny undies! If it couldn’t already get any worse, the first thought in her mind was not…”pull my skirt up”, no, it was, ” I think I just peed myself!” THEN…she DID pull her skirt up right after that!! Marcie and Princess Sparkly were then able to get the moto up, board and take flight. Thankfully the two were unharmed physically. Mind you I can’t say the same for their pride and dignity!

*Misplaced footnote* Marcie did not actually pee her panties, it was a false alarm.

There was a time when Marcie thought her fleshy-toned undies would never betray her!

There was a time when Marcie thought her fleshy-toned undies would never betray her!

I truly couldn’t have asked for a better younger sister.  Mind you, I am sure it wouldn’t hurt her to offer me a few more foot massages here and there. But despite that, she is great.  She is one of the few people in my life that can provide me with good stories that require no fancy writing skills on my part to come across completely ridiculous. Nope, I couldn’t make these things up. Thanks Marcie!! Thanks for being so clumsy and hilarious. Loving this new VIBE you brought to Cambodia!

Abby vs Cambodia

The Road

The Road

So I am breaking free of my regular posting format to share one particular story. I feel it deserves it’s own attention, free of the bells and whistles I attach to my normal posts that are entirely meant to “trick” you into reading this nonsense. Now, with an opening statement like that….. Let’s do this thing! * insert several air karate kicks. *

It was an average Tuesday morning. We had all headed across the Mekong river to try to meet people in the rural territory. The roads are very dusty and cracked over there, scattered with locals delivering produce, moving cattle or kids riding bikes that are, 4 out of 5 times, way to big for them in the most unsafe possible way!

I wish I was exaggerating!

I wish I was exaggerating!

There was six of us all together and we had broken off into pairs. Marcie and Abby were together when they were approached by a guy. He immediately wanted a tract so Abby gave him one. She had a folder in her hands that he persistently kept tapping. It was filled with more Khmer literature along with her personal copies in English. As soon as she peeled the folder open, the guy reached in and grabbed two brochures and started to run. Now normally if someone took two brochures in a quick “thief-like”

This is a cow. Moo Moo

This is a cow. Moo Moo

manner it would be of no real consequence and make for a funny little story that may or may not be mentioned in this blog. But these brochures were not just any brochures. They were Abby’s personal English copies that contained hours and hours of study, translation, and notes. If you are in a foreign language group you know how precious these items are! As you will soon find out, she apparently wasn’t ready to let them go so easily.

Well you have already guessed it, the great chase was thus born! Abby and Marcie both started running after this guy. Quickly Abby realized extra baggage had to be dropped in order to catch him. They stopped running, Abby grabbed two Khmer brochures to trade, left her bag with Marcie and started running again. She ran like the wind she did, even though she was dealing with unbearable heat, bumpy roads and wearing crocs. ( yes crocs….hey it’s flash flood poopy streets Cambodia we’re talking here). Being this was Abby’s first real heroic crime scene chase down the adrenal was pumping. She later described to me that she felt much like Lara Croft chasing down the bad guy! It was very compelling!! Marcie had, let’s just say, an ever so slightly different description. Barely able to hold back the laughter, Marcie enjoys calling what she saw the absolute slowest chase she has ever seen! She only wishes she had filmed it. It was watching two people run a bit, then walk a bit, then run a bit….you get the pattern. The guy would look back to see if Abby was running or walking and then he would follow suit! And I will be honest, all this Lara Croft talk wasn’t fooling me either. We were talking about Abby, the same girl that gets pulled outta the water by life guards thinking she is drowning, when in fact she is, again in her mind, swimming like a mermaid! Her running really isn’t much better. Anyways, when she in fact did get closer to the “thief”‘ he started swinging his metal lunch tin at her. That’s when she decided to bid farewell to her precious brochures!

The Chase

You can imagine how this entire scenario must have looked to the other residents in the village. It was hardly unnoticeable! So after Abby finally gave up, two older woman gave her a seat to sit. She had tears in her eyes because something had flown into her eye while she was running, so fast (hehe) and clearly tired. They told Abby the guy was crazy, (whaaaaaaa!? Crazy!? SHOCK lol) and that they would retrieve the brochures. Unfortunately he locked himself in his house when they approached.

Shortly after the rest of us were updated with what had happened and decided we needed a little break. While we were sitting, a young man came and told us the crazy guy was his uncle and he would go get the brochures! After a very tense 15 minutes he returned to us, brochures in hand!!! Everyone that had gathered started cheering and clapping. Even though all of Abby’s sticky notes had been taken out, she was relieved to get her brochures back. We later found out that the same thing had happened to one of our other friends as well.  It ended up being a different guy,……which is a relief there are more than one of these dudes out there, right!? Thank goodness! Abby asked our friend if she chased after her thief too, which of course she said no.

All in all it turned out to be quite the adventure filled morning. Not only did we learn we should be wearing runners/ tennis shoes across the river, but we learned something about our family. Just like the time I punched the homeless guy after he grabbed my butt, and now the time Abby chased down a thief, but didn’t catch him….we now know we are not he type to shrink back! “HERE I AM, SEND ME!”

PS. I realize now that my “format” as mentioned earlier, hasn’t actually changed much. You just don’t get the same amount of photos this round!  But no fear, plenty to come and more stories too!!  Remember to comment, love the feedback 🙂

Forgot to mention there is plenty of cow poop on the road too.  Mind you that was slightly implied, but even Abby forgot to look out!! lol

Forgot to mention there is plenty of cow poop on the road too. Mind you that was slightly implied, but even Abby forgot to look out!! lol


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If I Could Live in a Bubble

"What's the mystery?"  Thats the mystery!!

“What’s the mystery?” That’s the mystery!!

By a show of hands, who here enjoys a little something called “personal space”? You know, personal space,  that invisible yet very real force field that surrounds us all. Whenever anything or anyone with it’s own capacity to move, eat, sleep or toot passes that force field doing any number of those things, a small alarm is sounded in our minds. Now let me see those hands!! Good good….. Ok, now, for those of you with firm intentions on coming here for a visit, please keep in mind that personal space invasions will become a part of your daily activities. Whether it’s the fishy breath burping oldie goldies getting nice and close to your face, little kids spinning crabs at the end of a string by your legs, or the very random extremely dreaded drip. The drip is an unknown substance falling from the buildings onto any number of places on your head. And by the way, yes, specifically your head, but any of the many places and parts that create your head. Drips never come installed with warning mechanisms, they are always juicy and are never right before you are heading home for a shower. Thank goodness right!? Wait a second Sarah….do I sense sarcasm??!!

Now since we are on the topic of personal space invasions, it brings up the matter of personal belongings. Here in Asia, helmets are a very personal piece in your life. At least mine is to me. We go everywhere together! Best friends! My helmet gives me protection and instant above average style, whereas I give my helmet the opportunity to flatten my humidity- frizzed hair into a new creation every time. Win win! So you can start to understand why SHARING helmets isn’t exactly customary. And of course it’s well worth reminding you that we enjoy a year round Sweat Fest here in Camp Bloat-ya. Even among family, it’s not exactly a common practice, let alone hygenic!

So with that in mind you might sympathize with me, when, at the very hottest part of the day and after a long morning in the sun,

Marcie's helmet...the one she was SUPPOSED to use. And if you look close...a photobomber!

Marcie’s helmet…the one she was SUPPOSED to use. And if you look close…a photo bomber!

I caught someone else wearing MY helmet. My younger sister Marcie and I had just come back from a quick stop at a store and I was getting ready to hop back onto the moto. My heart sank for a brief second when I couldn’t see my helmet at first glance. Was it stolen? Stealing helmets is a favorite sport for many here. But no, to my utter dispair I see Marcie rocking my precious blue helmet! Marcie, who might I add, is still acclimatizing and constantly complaining about her head sweating! “Ahhhh, get my helmet off, ewwww” is basically what my verbal reaction was. Along with trying to pull it off her head myself. Of course she had already done the strap up so it hardly budged and merely added to her uncontrollable laughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love her laugh and it’s extremely contagious. But, in this instance, it strictly meant the helmet remained on her head even longer, soaking in all that goodness. Of course, she found HER respective helmet and slipped it on as I had the slow, hardly tolerable task of putting the now saturated helmet on my head! NOT exactly my favorite sisterly moment as of yet!

Marcie, Abby and a few more of the group that headed over the river that morning. Such happy friends! LOVE IT

Marcie, Abby and a bunch of other people I know riding the ferry across the river! Good times 🙂

I will say, at least I know Marcie. What about helmet sharing with strangers? Our friend Jordan told us how the other day he was in a store and through the window he saw the store parking guard holding Jordan’s helmet above his head while starring Jordan down. Looking him right in the eye Jordan clearly indicated to put the helmet down! After a battle of glances and slow motion threats of lowering the helmet, the guard went for it and quickly pulled the helmet completely on. By that time Jordan had just made it to the door in time to yell at him to take it off. The guy did so and I believe just cowardly sat in the corner. Confused and unfortunately really grossed out, Jordan had to use that helmet to get himself home. Like I said, at least I knew Marcie but still…..what’s going on here people!?

Speaking of “what’s going on here”, beyond the scary helmet sharing everything is going really well.  We have been back for over a month already…wow time flies… and have thrown ourselves back into as much language learning as our brains can handle for the moment.  Lots of fun people here which is nice because if you are going to live in a bizzare city like Phnom Penh,  you might as well have some friends to laugh with about it!  As usual I have a good mix of photos to share.  In which you may notice my latest trend, black and white or sepia colored!   Either way feel free to browse….but remember you break it YOU BUY IT!!  Cash only by the way…

This next group of photos is PROOF Cambodian kids are just tooooo darn cute!!  I love to take every opportunity to talk to them.  Mind you they are usually correcting my Khmer, but that’s a good thing!! haha

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